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I really like the concept! The idea of a combat system that's more about how you input your damage rotation rather than focusing on testing your reflexes or dodging skills like most other action combat systems appeals to me. Once I got the hang of it I really enjoyed the way I could use my charge to gather whichever resource I needed the most of at the time. My only criticism is that it felt like the game wouldn't let me change direction sometimes. I assume it's something to do with the game trying to read if I'm doing an input. I really hope you expand on this system in the future! 

I was worried that, perhaps, the system would be too arbitrarily convoluted that no one would understand it. So, I was relieved and glad that not only can you understand the mechanics but also able to recognize the intention behind it.
I still need to work on the input system to find the root cause of the issues. Anyway, thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it.