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The questions in the movies and games category have a very odd imbalance, shifting between the most basic of common knowledge and "I went to Wikipedia to look for something obscure"-type questions.  And the question about "man in green armor" had the oddity that when you select Master Chief as the answer, it says it's wrong, and yet when you then select a character who *doesn't* wear green armor, the following screen says that yes, Master Chief is a famous character in green armor.  (Also, asking your player to Google something is not really a good idea.  Many people do not want to have random searches in their search history, and it is also breaking the fourth wall in a way that is neither humorous nor clever.  I would recommend rephrasing to simply ask "which of these characters wears green armor" or "which of these characters do you think is most famous as a man in green armor," or whatnot.  Something that will not actively *instruct*  the player of your quiz game to turn to a search engine for an answer.)

In the mathematics section, rather than writing things like "20xSquared", you can write the expression correctly, because TWINE does allow for superscript text.

(I did not bother with the cars section; I have neither knowledge of nor interest in them, and no desire to hit up Google/Wikipedia for answers.)

Yeah your right, asking someone to google something is rather dumb. I’ll fix it later, although I’m not entirely sure on how I could fix the “20xSquared” thing, as I only know a few things in twine (like music and text effects (shudder, rumble etc.)). I know about images, but adding them is frustratingly annoying, but thanks for the feedback I’ll re-adjust it soon :)

To make something superscript, use this:  20x(text-style: "superscript")[2]

The various text style commands can be found here:


oh cool! Thanks 👍