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Both the stories of Link's Awakening and Edith Finch (unfortunately I haven't played Outer Wilds) were very moving (and so sad!) as well. I think you have really managed to grasp similar strength their stories hold, and used it to tell your own stories. Do you plan to make more story games?

You can bet your firstborn I will!

Hahaha XD Looking forwards to it!

Okay last question. I make (branching) story games (in unity) too sometimes. What do you recommend to use to plan your stories? Do you write it in a document like google sheets or docs or do you use software like twine or yarn spinner? Keeping track of the story has always been a major challenge for me. What do you use?

I use a text file for most projects. To keep it organized I use indenting or my own hashtags to link related content of the file together. 

I see, thanks for the info! And good luck with the new games :)