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I had planned to get some rest... buuuuut, I kinda decided that I wanted to try and play everyone's entries, haha. So now I'm trying my hardest to play, rate, and comment on everything, only there are so many entries that I'm not even sure if it's physically possible to get through them all :( I've played 53 so far, but there's 104 to go!

To be honest, I don't eat all that healthily anyways xD I have a thyroid problem, so I can't eat much, or I just put weight on (even with exercising daily!) My breakfast is usually a banana + some kinda cereal bar like Belvita, haha. Lunch tends to be a healthy yoghurt drink + some kinda fruit. Then I have a proper meal for dinner. My body is used to it though, so it doesn't feel like I'm starving myself or anything + I still have more weight to lose anyways :3

I had so much trouble with the word 'impostor' cos it sounds like it should be 'imposter' when you say it! I Googled it to check before I made the title screen, and Google said it should be 'impostor' so I went with that. But then I kept spelling it both ways in the darn game text and had to keep going back to edit xD Then I looked it up again after jam submission closed, and it turns out that both 'impostor' and 'imposter' are correct anyways! >.<

Hehe, always good to meet a fellow rambler :D I can't help it x3 Just end up going on and on forever when it comes to stuff I'm passionate about, haha.

Thank you! Hope you have a good day yourself :3