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Ah I see, no problems! It was something I noticed as it was in the newest v1.14, so I wondered if it was just an accidental miss wording in the help file. I look forward to seeing it return eventually. This is a very good plugin, there's a lot of potential uses and there isn't much crafting systems out there that uses ingredients like this, so I'm already grateful for your work! Thank you very much for everything so far and don't worry about it ^o^


Good news! I just uploaded version 1.15, which contains this feature change from the MZ version of the plugin. You can now set up recipes which contain multiple category ingredients.

Currently the recipe list extension doesn't support this yet, but that update will be coming soon if you're using it.

Wow! Thank you very much for the update, I appreciate all the support you've done! Make sure to get some rest and thank you, I'll look forward to it.