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(1 edit)

Yeah listen servers should work. There's no port punch through, so like you said criminalcola (good name btw), otterr (and others) have to open the ports!

I need to do some further work to stabilize things a bit. I had to re-write the entire server browser back-end (and adjust my basic gamespy emulator) for NOLF 2 (For nolf1 I was able to just hex edit the server address, there were a lot more dependencies in NOLF 2 that made that impossible.)

If you're interested in multiplayer make sure to check out and their discord. They host weekly multiplayer matches on weekends. (For NOLF1, probably NOLF2 as well if you ask!)

you mean the port, where it says 27888 or whatever? I rem doing something like that b 4, right Crim?

yeah it would be one of the default ports to unblock/forward in the router or gateway! :D