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I just purchased Among Us from here on this site, and I have hit the download button a bunch of times. It downloads into a file. How does my son play the stupid game??? I am not a gamer or computer be kind...Just a mom trying to set this game up for her kid. Help!

Deleted 3 years ago
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right-click on the file and press extract all. this will make another file that you can actually use. the file with a zipper on it is unusable and is a file format you cant open without extracting for security reasons. its the only kind you can put online to prevent malware. for more info, search "how to extract zip folder".

you have to extract it and than hit the file again and it should have a name that said among us and it should let you play it

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what device are you on? I can help you depending on your device. You cannot play on MacBooks or consoles. Only windows and mobile.