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No, I don't think that is the case. 
The line is "This door won't barge. It's like if it was frozen entirely."
Very clearly in context of "budge".
Barge does not make grammatical sense to be used there. Should technically be closer to "This door won't budge. It's like it's completely frozen."

(1 edit)

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m saying that he used ‘barge’ because he thought it was the correct word to use in that context, but it’s incorrect because the context of the sentence is that the door is immovable due to being frozen that it won’t even move in the slightest, therefore ‘budge’ is actually the correct verb. I’m agreeing with you, if that’s more clear. Haha!

I commented in the first place because you initially mentioned there was a spelling error in the game, but proceeded to explain a grammar error instead. I pointed out that nothing in the game was spelled incorrectly, and agreed that it was a grammar error.