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Hey Phillip, great work on the game! I love Max's expressiveness and the way he reacts over the course of the game. The writing is really good and I found it really interesting that even though you "break the immersion" of the player by having Max break the 4th wall, I feel like that only served to increase my investment in the game and the personality you built. The game works really well as a meta-commentary about the genre, and on top of that, it looks and feels super clean to interact with. One thing that I might add would be some way to play with Max that isn't just the feeding, like maybe a feather toy or something that would have Max react with different dialogue to flesh out the character even more. I think the feeding as a means to progress works really well not only because the writing is so good you want to see what's next, but also because Max is done in such a way that you do want to take care of this cute thing even if he himself is aware he is not real. The choice to make ending the game a definitive action taken by the player after you build a connection with Max is super powerful and a really strong way of cementing the commentary made in the game. Overall man, huge fan of this one.