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If anyone has made a new map , please share it with us

There is now some on the repository (like one good for now: Did you manage to use the script?

yes .. but they are just for test not for real play 😅

(1 edit) (+1)

Great. At least I know it works not only on my computer.
Many of them yes, but "maps/" is for play, I tested with my friend and it takes a good 30 min to finish it. There are many dangerous areas. (Maybe make sure you have the last version? I am still modifying a lot the maps)

I have a YT channel named "EGGNOGG Live" And not long time ago i upload a video "How to create EGGNOGG+ Maps", and in the description is a map pack create by ours, our favorite is "Goonies Awcrap" ;3

play it pls

or if you want i can export the maps in a .map file ;)

Nice maps thx :)