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The story in this was great. I expected a straightforward Zelda parody, but you really developed it to a surprising extent. In particular, the "capitalist pig" joke was hilarious. I'm really impressed with how you took a Zelda cliche and managed to play it completely straight while simultaneously recontextualizing it in an aesthetic that made perfect sense, and getting a pun out of the deal too. Excellent.

I also liked the mechanic of the glitched second form for bosses. The boss' first forms were always disappointingly trivial to me, but the glitched forms were a lot more challenging and unique. I would have liked for all bosses to get that treatment, though -- the early bosses are still really trivial, especially since they're usually puzzles that Zelda fans are already familiar with.

I think the game could use clearer instruction on how to use the Power of Compassion, though. I kept trying it in battles to no effect, and eventually I thought I was only supposed to use it on the final boss. Would it be possible to give it to the player early, so they don't have to sequence break to even use it properly?

The palace could also really use a map, as other people have complained.