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I bought this to study the code and understand the state machine better, but I fail to see any constants like "max speed" or "gravity" as i've seen in other codes that doesn't use the state machine.. does the state machine use different variables to change the speed and velocity and so forth? or is it hidden somewhere I just didn't look? or is it all just multiplied and divided by the delta value?

I'm sorry If I got anything wrong, I just started programming in Godot.


Hello friend, in addition to "state machine" this package was made to offer predefined character models. The variables regarding speed and gravity, are within the character, this in turn, shares this data to the states they need.

I don't know if my content is useful (because it's in Spanish) but I have a couple of tutorials on the state machine :).


ok cool! I will look into it, thank you. maybe google chrome will help me translate it well enough for me to read it. thank you!