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Hey Adria and Fen, 

I'm really excited to play this with my brother!  I have two questions before we start. 

1) Do you think a Tarot deck would work instead of a deck of playing cards? I wanted to make sure there is no game mechanic that I'm overlooking before trying this idea. Keep in mind a deck of cards has 52 vs the 78 in a traditional tarot deck. 

I'm thinking of using the themes outline in each minor arcana card instead of the suit themes listed in the rules. They are also accompanied by a number, ace, and face card so it can keep in line with the mechanic of what  type of event happens. I think the only issue is with the major arcana (The Fool, Death, the Tower, etc) as they don't follow the playing card deck layout. Perhaps those can be ignored or maybe those can be an unrelated entry of the person's life instead of the machine.  

2) Is the physical characteristics of the machine different on each handoff? I imagine there are details left in the journal of what the machine looks like from the previous player but do we need to keep that continuity? 

Thanks in advance!


1. Yeah, you could probably hack it to make a Tarot deck work sure!

2. That is up to whoever is writing the entry! Some games have had the machine be very similar each time, with one person building on the work of the previous, and others have had a variety of machines but all still coming from the central obsession that the game revolves around.