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Pros and cons are down below) Check out the vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated)):


1. The game was scary - scared me several times, though I am used to horror and to jumpscares. I can't call these jumpscares cheap, though. They were always accompanied by the great ambiance and the build up.

2. The story is quite intruging. I believe, my interpretation may be far off from the actual one but I tried) I think the plottwist is great and it was very interesting not only to play and get spooked but also to listen to radio and figure out what happened.


1. I wish there were a bit more to the ending. Like a choice or somthing like that. That would increase replayability-value of the game. Though, it's hard to come up with this stuff in 48 hours!

2. There was no actual threat. It would be cool to ahve a time limit at escaping the room or runnin away from the killer dequence. Yet again, in 48 hours it's very hard to make.


I rate this game 5/5. I think it could benefit from a bit more work and polish but as a 48-hour project, it was an excellent experience. Interesting, involving and scary! Great job!

Hope my feedback was useful!