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Day 10's password is one of the most mentioned words by the charavcters in Day 9 (especially Sal). Just read it again and you will surely find it (cuz ur missing out on the newest update which is AWESOME).

(1 edit)

Funny fact: I found the password a little later that I wrote that comment (and, in my opinion, it was not so obvious, but I like challenges :D)

I must agree with you, the new update is really something (I already commented it in the proper section)  :)

Im still stuck trying to find it, can I get a hint please


The only hint I can give you is that the password's meaning is, for short, the worst case scenario for Day 10.

Well... I couldn't say it better without spoiling the fun, hope you have found it

day 10 password is on day 10 thats why you get hints before the vault