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Haha, yeah there was a bug with the score counter . . . and of course I found out about it after I already pushed the game out. The score used an Integer variable type and Qbasic can only use it up to a value of 32,767, so once it goes past that, it goes negative. So no worries, it's already fixed for the next demo.

I've been reading about the multiplayer possibilities with QBasic and it seems that at the very least I should be able to do a High Score board on a website or something. Not sure if I'll be able to expand beyond that, but I'll look into it.

All of your feedback I've added to my spreadsheet and some of the things you've mentioned I've already addressed.

Regarding the Y/N option at the end: So Scrapship is sorta rogue-like in that the player is only intended to have one life. If you die, that's it. So that's why it only loops back around on a Y input and quits on an N input. I should probably make it more clear that N quits the game.

This concept is not set in stone though -- I'm constantly adding and getting rid of features until I find a combination I like.

I should have a new demo by the end of the month.

Thanks again for the excellent feedback!