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I really enjoyed the narrative evolving with the mechanics. I like that you presented platformer game mechanics as metaphor for a (pretty scary) life experience.

I felt in two minds about the narrative. Just that it felt deeply personal, almost uncomfortably vulnerable... but also stripped of any identifiable elements, like it was left intentially vague. I realize this is probably an attempt to generalize the experience, and maybe embellishing it with details would have made it either too vulnerable or too contrived, but I felt I wanted a bit more to hold onto in the story. (for instance it's only at the very end where the stakes of the narrative are made clear, and some of the early texts on the left-hand side of the screen seem to contradict this ending, and while I think I understand what you were trying to achieve there, it still left me with the wrong assumptions about what was going on)

But despite that feeling, what you achieved with the narrative is very impressive!

Thanks for the feedback!