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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (like and sub to support)):


1. The created style and the ambiance are so cool! I love how creepy and detailed the backgrounds are. There's so much stuff to see and to notice. A story that's being told through the environment is a very intruiging thing! I love that! The game reminds me of Little Nightmares  a lot.

2. The scares! The scares! I got so scared even when I replayed some moments. This monkey never ceased to be terrifying (even though I didn't understand how it worked at first and had to die like 3 times before I realised how dumb I was).

3. I love that there are so many animated characters. Animals look so cute and dangerous at the same time!

4. The pacing is wonderful. I hope the full game will have some chase scenes!


1. I didn't like the part with the dog as it wasn't threatning at all. The thing is that instead of running, I waited and figured out that the dog couldn't actually do anything to me. I think it would be cooler to see some timed thingies.

2. Sometimes there were boxed (I even pointed them out in the vid) that were so obviously going-aroundable). Of course, there's gonna be these objects for sure, but it's not good when they are too obvious.


I'll rate this 5/5 and I can't wait for the full version to come out! Great job! Overall, enjoyed this demo much more than the previous one!

Hope my feedback was useful!