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Hi, Yanonako!
You're right! 13 pictures--my hand is a little tired, but because Guntur's images were drawn in a simple, children's storybook style, it's not that tiring :'3

And lol! Glad you noticed it! x'D
Sometimes, big things comes in small packages~ But that doesn't mean a weasel has less impact than a wolf *winks 

D'aww thank you! I love her to bits and is spoiled rotten x'D
Thankfully, she's not as active/energetic as other huskies. She's a potato princess lol.
Juno, my mix pincher is another story though. If he's not sleeping, he would be running, bumping, and jumping--A couple of times, I wasn't careful enough and got headbutted by him. Jesus, it hurts Q_Q

Aaand, nope! I won't answer that! x'D

As usual, thanks for dropping by, Yanonako! *hugs
