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Spoiler Alert ( I think )

Wanted to ask since I was wondering about this, is it possible that whenever Dave sees something white in the distance, its the driver? I mean he IS a polar bear which is white, right? Also, I was wondering about this, too. If Oswin dies on Day 10 or 11, and then the vault door closes in the library at Day 12, does that mean that the culprit has access to the library too? It seems scary to think about, but my fav route is getting suspicious (Hoss). It could probably be Florencia or Benson since according to Thanatos, he let himself get stabbed. Last question, does the survivor of the 99 deaths incident gonna have a main role in the story, cuz I have a feeling that he/she might be the culprit because of the years that passed, but I wonder if he/she has a motive. Closest thing to think  about it is that his/her friend or family was also part of the 99 deaths in the incident.

(2 edits)

*obviously spoilers but just to be safe*

I don't think that it could be any of Dave's friends. The biggest problem I see on this theory is the fact that EVERY Dave's friend can die including Hoss. I also don't understand why a knife suddenly shows up in Hoss' chest in his bad ending. And THE SAME KNIFE that kills Oswin. (Tyson also says that he only dazed him, not that he used a knife)

For the culprit I have so many diffrent theories from ghosts to the test subjects of the experiment, Dave and Thanatos. So far I only include ghost stuff as something to point out because they can basically do whatever. I also am looking out for Thanatos because there is just something wrong with him I can't quite place. (Benson should not be the murderer, I don't see any motive and the next update should confirm it hopefully)

And the driver? I don't quite understand. Some of the BGs are oddly white on its sides, which I only assume means it's a flashback? I studied a bit the background pictures but no luck. Do you mean like the CGs or...?

I tried my best to write everything I know but I'm quite bad at doing theories. So what do you think?

I honestly think you're up to something. The white parts of the BGs are definitely confusing enough. Yes, Benson shouldn't be the killer since he was killed, but there's a potential with Hoss, and the reason isn't so clear as only a hunchI have. Let's hope I'm wrong though

Just wait for the next build it will help quite a bit.

(1 edit)

And Grizz was hiding it so well...

well every build helps after all its progression but the next one does help more


*phew * glad it turned out there was someone else.