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Today I ran into a moral dilemma.  While trying to figure out how to get the Othello minigame into RenPy, I discovered that the game actually flowed way better without it.  But I really liked Othello.  But the minigame would actually be more of a hindrance than an enhancement to the whole experience.  But I really liked Othello.  What to do?!

Ended up cutting the minigame.  For the demo, its replaced with a description of a curb-stomp battle and a melted enemy.  Dunno if that’s what I’ll do for the full game or if I’ll expand on it a bit more, but it works for the demo.

Then I went on ahead and added music and sound effects, and scoured the script for errors.  And now, the demo is...actually pretty much done!  I want to spend the next couple of days continuing to playtest and check for errors, but yeah.  My Devtober entry will be uploaded soon!

Oh, and if anyone had their heart set on playing Othello, I called it Dronethello and uploaded it to my portfolio.  Enjoy!