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this is awsome, hope you will make sequel(maybe about their lives as adults?) or prequel(SPOILER_ALERT it would be brilliant to see what exactly happened in their village END_OF_SPOILER) also thanks for instructions how to get true ending, even tho it was useless to me xD (i triedevery possible option until i found true ending. then i was like "hey there is readme wonder what its for?"... yeah i should read it earlier ;_; , guess thats what im gonna do with every game from now on) anyway thanks, you made one of my favorite games :)


Thank you very much for your kind words & feedback!! - On android I have now put instructions on how to get the True End in the about section.

I've thought about maybe making a sequel comic or something of the sort, but I think right now I want to focus on entirely new projects and stories~! I might return again and add something extra, who knows ;)


whatever your next work gonna be, i'm in :D