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Finished off the enemy sprites, which means all the characters are done!  Not gonna bother shading everyone else, it doesnt make THAT much of a difference frankly.  I also started getting more backgrounds.  Got a gate and the inside and outside of a lodge.  The reason this bed looks the way it does can be blamed on my cat, which I think requires no further explanation.

Tomorrow I finish (and maybe redo?) backgrounds.  I have some specific locations in mind, and I already have some errands to run, so this works out.  Then once the backgrounds are done, figuring out the battle sequences.  What I reeeeeally want to do is have these sequences be a round of Othello (I was inspired by, of all things, Neopets Puzzle Adventure).  I’ve found tutorials for programming Othello in Python/Pygame, so I can figure it’s just figuring out how to implement it in RenPy.  I had a lot of trouble getting a simple number-guessing minigame working in RenPy, something tells me Othello will be tougher.  

Also, my very first game releases in less than a month, oh gosh I'm so nervous.