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Nuclear War Simulator

A nuclear conflict simulation and visualisation tool · By Ivan Stepanov

First release - bugs and suggestions

A topic by Ivan Stepanov created Jun 28, 2020 Views: 2,422 Replies: 60
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im having a bug where i click the application and its just staying on the openiing screen


Thank you for letting me know! Can you give some more details on when it is happening?

You could send me the Player.log file from the folder C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\LocalLow\Ivan Stepanov\Nuclear War Simulator after a crash. My email:


Try to run it as Administrator. It may fix it.

ok thanks for feedbak.

How do you edit an attack plan once you've created it? It doesn't seem very intuitive.

Also, how do you reset an open scenario to remove all the explosions?


I have to admit, there is no way to do those things, but I just wrote them down into my TODO list. Thanks!

I have some suggestions for additional KML support:
1. A way to add locations en-masse. I found I very much wanted this when working on soviet missile fields, some of which have almost a hundred silos. That's 200 clicks, assuming I don't mess up, for just one field! If we could add an entire folder to the Locations to place that would save me a lot of trouble.

2. A way to remove locations from the active locations. Oops, I clicked on a silo #99 too many times and it's in the list twice, now I have to go back to the beginning. This would also be a time saver.

When I'm done I'll upload a scenario representing the situation in November 1983.

While I'm at it, some pie-in-the-sky suggestions are to be able to mod population density (for example, to go back in time) and countries (also to go back in time to include the USSR, DDR, BRD, etc).

This is an excellent tool, I am amazed already at what you've done.


Thank you! I am aware of the issues

1) I will probably not make an option to add whole folders because a folder can contain mixed types of objects. Instead I will probably add an option to use Shift to select a large number of objects (like when you select files in Windows)

2)Yes, I know its a problem. I will add an option to remove the last element.

(3) modifying population density is difficult to do in an accurate way. I could add a country-wide modifier, but it is probably too coarse.

Thanks for the compliment and thanks for complaining! It helps A LOT!


Just implemented points 1 and 2. Wait for the next update ;)

I'm excited!  I have two more suggestions/questions:
4. Early warning/RADAR detection and integration into plan execution. With this you could simulate Launch Under Attack and explore the influence of asset basing and RADAR sites on strategic stability.

5. Bomber interception. Related to 4, and I know you've been asked about ABMs in the past, but fighters and SAMs are a lot more plentiful and capable of intercepting bomber missions compared to anti-ballistic missiles. This would allow you to look at standoff capabilities in more detail, for example.

It goes without saying that NWS is everything a nuclear war wonk could ask for, and more. 

I did notice a few things, only one of them is worth bringing up here as of yet. The pop density maps (when you overkill an 'entire' country) seem to add up to a population larger than the "static" population denominator (which I gather was borrowed from one of the world factbooks). I'm wondering if it'd be advisable to use the "density sums" as the baseline instead, so our fatality percentages don't get thrown off. 


Thank you very much for the compliment! I really appreciate it. There is still so much to do, we are far from done.

Your observation is correct There is a discrepancy between the given total numbers and the total numbers when counted from the population density. I already have it in my TODO list and will hopefully fix it soon.

Let me know if there is anything else to be improved!

Does there have to be an internet connection to calculate casualties/fallout? I feel as if there might be a bug with internet connection if there is one required. This might also explain why the mod page won't load in

Nevermind. I have fixed the problem. My antivirus is very sensitive, and blocked the game from accessing TempFiles


Can we have a 'time since launch' visible on the screen i.e. since the first missile were fired? Also the ability to see time to impact of a selected warhead.

(1 edit)

So first of all, bugs. For the most part things work fine. The game starts, missiles fly, civilization as we know it ends. The one issue I had was that casualty calculation doesn't work for me in the main exe, which is a tad unfortunate since the main exe is the most stable for me. The problem is solved if I use the OpenGl.bat, but opening the game that way seems to have some stability issues, in particular the game tends to crash if I run it in real time (I enjoy running it in real time rather than with any time compression since I can pretend I am experiencing an actual nuclear war and get a sense for how long that feels). I am running Windows 10 with DirectX 12.

On to suggestions. I don't want to suggest too much in terms of features, having learned a bit about game development and in particular the dangers of feature creep. But the thing that seems most urgent to me (after bug fixes and stability improvement) would be the addition of a Cold War scenario. I've seen what happens to the world in a modern nuclear war now, but what about back when nuclear stockpiles were at their height? This would mean a new map, with redrawn borders (divide East and West Germany, unite the Soviet Union) and population densities set to sometime in the Cold War (I'm thinking perhaps around 1985 when Soviet stockpiles peaked? Or 1965 when American stockpiles peaked? (according to Wikipedia, which may be a bit course, going in five year increments)), and of course everyone would have their 1985/65/?? nuclear arsenals. Does this sound feasible? I can understand if it isn't, since re-adjusting population levels to several decades earlier would probably be a lot of work.


Thanks for the detailed description. I'm glad that most of it is working and civilization ends properly. Can you tell me what GPU you have? The main exe should work on most modern GPUs.

I was actually hoping that someone will use it in real time. Good to know you are indeed doing it. I will try to reproduce the error when running in real-time.

There are a lot of people asking for a cold war scenario. I will probably never have the time to do it myself, as I spend most of the time coding, but you can do it using the editor. Make appropriate blueprints, put them on the map and generate attack plans. Maybe someone else will create such a scenario and upload to the server. Population density is indeed difficult if not impossible to adjust. What i will probably do in the future is introduce a country-wide adjustment of population. It will under or over represent some cites but it is probably the best I can do.

Let me know if there is anything else you want to see in the simulation!

Ivan, if it might help with the task of population density, NASA SEDAC has some population estimates from 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 on a 30 arcsecond resolution.  I don't know if those are easy to use in your format, but some structured data does exist, even if it's an estimate. Easier than doing it yourself! :)


Thanks for the data suggestions. I was indeed using this exact data last year. However, there is a problem with it. They are not detailed enough. Due to the way, the maps are produced, population density is averaged over city areas. Overall the population count is exact, but the density spikes are missing. Some fire models are using population density as input, so the NASA SEDAC data produces wrong results. I will try to find another dataset.

(3 edits)

My GPU is: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT

A country wide population adjustment sounds acceptable to me. It won't be fully realistic, but it ought to get good enough results for large scale attacks even if things are off in individual cities. 

My suggestion would that the first release of a population adjustment feature be the simplest possible version of such a feature (every pixel of population (do you have a name for your most discreet units of population?) gets a simple increase or decrease that is directly proportional to the country wide increase or decrease). But write it so it is easy to change later. Then, if you come across information on any historical trends for how rapidly denser population centers tend to grow vs sparser population centers then you can rework the feature so that the proportion of the population change that is reflected in each square of population is directly related to how populated that square already is (it is probably on some sort of S curve, with denser population centers increasing more rapidly than sparser ones up to a point and then leveling off). This still won't be 100% accurate, but ought to significantly reduce the error for individual towns and cities, and further increase the accuracy of large scale attacks.

Edit: Alternatively, is the resource that HerrTom provided compatible with whatever you used to generate the population map in the first place? How did you create that anyway? I assume it had to be automated in some way (feed the right data into the right program). I simply cannot imagine any human having the patience or lifespan to manually input the correct number for every discreet unit of population that you had. And mad props to you or whoever on your team worked on it if it really was done manually (actually, props no matter how they did it, that is an outstanding population map).


Hmmm strange. A 5700 XT is new enough to support NWS. Maybe something with the drivers or the DirectX11 version.

On the population density, I will probably go with some country-wide scaling factors for a number of years. Later maybe see how individual population centers behave or find complete population density maps for the cold war years.

Here you can find the current population density map:

I think they have maps dating back to 1975.

I had to write a script to convert the data from their format to the NWS format. It would be a total nightmare, to do it by hand :D (maybe it should be adopted as a form of punishment for criminals...)

So when's the next build coming out?


It is coming. I just can't tell when yet.

okie dokie

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