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I played it a bit and I wrote down some notes while playing!

- Polished menu items such as quests in the key items, fast travel in skills and so on. That's a nice thing to do!
- Although the setting is nothing too much original, the atmosphere is good. And the plot is presented nicely even if it isn't anything special. You should work on the camera movements during the cutscene to improve the game.
- Omg please not another game with random encounters! They are too many and they destroy the game flow.
- Pretty standard combat system. You can exploit Defend+Heal command to completely refill the characters' LPs, so you could just full heal characters at the end of combat to save time. (Remember, longer game doesn't mean better game).
- I like that you can examine many items and have their graphics to change (like urns and crates). These details add immersion to the game. Well done!
- The first quest isn't much engaging. You should avoid doing fetch quest at the beginning of a game.
- I have 10 fruits but if I speak with Moira she says that I still have to find 10 fruits. Tried with 12 and it doesn't work. After 21 fruits, the quest is complete.
- I'm ok with the "damaging cacti" but after the 6th time this starts to become annoying XD
- After Paxton enters the party, the random encounters become brutal. Why? At least the ones with the bats and vengeful spirits.
- In this part of the game I constantly get poisoned, but I have no way to cure this status, because I can't buy antidotes and don't have any skill that cures poison. So I am doomed to kill a party member and use a res item... I still managed to go back to the village, but you should add something to heal poison, and not just preventing it.
- I found some passabilty issues in this part... I can wander "offmap" because there's the "dark terrain" tile that overwrites the passability of cliff tiles.
- Once you go back to the village on fire, the atmosphere is too dark, and I can't see much... and there should be fire helping to light things up! XD
- Each time I get a new party member, they're always at least 3 levels above mine. How much am I supposed to grind ranks (levels)?
- The items in Jacob's shop are too much expensive. Each encounter I get about 6R and for example a Water vial costs 150R, and Venom Antidote 80. It's too much.
- In combat, characters have too many section of subskills. It can be a little confusing...
- I don't know what's happening. My main mission says that I have to go to Lavoria to seek revenge, but I'm traveling to different places and I just saw a cutscene with a character in my party that I've never seen before. I guess that I skipped something but I don't know what. I just went inside a castle and defeated King Gideon and then I walked into a snowy field and reached Idolis (here there are many passability errors).
- Well... I don't know what to do, I'm completely lost. Maybe I'll try to finish the game later but it's a bit messy!

tl;dr the game has good atmosphere most of the time, it's polished in the first part, but then becomes a bit messy and you can skip parts of the in some way! Once fixed, the game can be good.

Thanks a lot for all of this feedback, it's really helpful! :)