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Great storytelling and narration. You took the direction of the theme/focus in the right path

I would say the (player & enemy) hitboxes aren't clear but someone else already pointed that out..

The player does need to shoot faster bullets, one of the enemies was too fast and when the bullet finally reached they moved. I ended up just getting really up close to the enemy and shooting them and that apparently worked XDD.

A health bar would also be nice. You could add a health bar for the enemies too. If you don't want the health bars cluttering the screen then you can make them show for a short amount of time when either the player or the enemy gets hit.

Regardless great game! Totally unexpected. Good luck in the jam! :)

Yeah it’s funny. We spent the whole time writing up the story animations and code (this is mostly custom, with some setup code from the previous jam we did, but there’s no engine) that we didn’t really do the gameplay until the very end. Lots to improve on that front…

Yeah I forgot to mention it was really funny. Especially the beginning. Also no engine??!?! Is this pure html?? xD


Yeah, it’s just javascript using webgl :)