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I think the game would be a lot better with tighter controls and the boomerang could use some more work. It can sometimes be a little frustrating.

The idea is great and clever! It perfectly fits the theme. I liked the sounds too and the art style was fun and fitting.

I know it's part of the story but its not the most rewarding when you complete the first level to meet with a you failed screen. This is just a personal preference, not a big problem.

Overall a fun little game that could use some more playtesting. 

(1 edit)

Also forgot to mention that after failing I didn't really feel motivated to try again. Don't exactly know why and what whould help. Maybe if one wrong move didn't cause a game over. Maybe if the maps were smaller. Maybe if the movement and the whole game was faster. Don't exactly know. I went back and tried a few more times just to playtest and to feel that I was fair in rating, but if it wasn't part of the jam I would have probably given up on my third try because it wasn't too exciting. 

Edit: Also, not a very quick pig :)