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Hey, thanks for giving me a heads up about this...basically the game is doing a check to see if you completed a certain quest prior to the last major update, and I am dumb and forgot to tell the program what to do if you HAVEN'T completed the quest.

I have already fixed the issue, however I am in the middle of completing / testing a couple of quests, so I will have to wait until Sunday (?) to put out the update so your file doesn't get messed up. In the meantime, I would say just avoid that spot, and don't worry about missing anything crucial won't be able to get any quests from that branch of the Guild until MUCH later in the game.

Thanks again for the heads up, and please let me know if you come across anything else! One of the big challenges with being the only official tester is that no matter how many times I play through the game, I will probably NEVER be able to anticipate all the routes people can take.