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Very unique and clever spin on the Escape The Room/PT genre

The sound design and the minimalistic space makes this a head scratcher and also has great replayability value as the player feels an almost insatiable desire to unlock all the endings. The whole concept of going down a level to 'turn back time' and possibly rectify mistakes is cleverly incorporated into the gameplay mechanics. 

I never felt that the game was guiding me by the hand, but also never stumped as to what to do next - it was a perfect blend of trying something new and only until the last couple of endings did I ever think that it became trial and error. 


Great atmosphere - liked the nod to Willem Defoe's and Robert Pattinson film The Lighthouse

Great sound design - just goes to show that even with a simplistic idea an environment can be made with sound.

Interesting premise and unique use of a possibly saturated genre - There's a lot of Escape the Room and PT clone games out there, but Latarnia does something truly different to other games of its ilk.


Didn't appear to have sound options. When playing with headphones the sounds did seem to be coming through quite loudly.

May dissuade some folk that are not achievement hunters or want to complete trial and error towards the end