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While playing any game, I've never been able to ID with the main lead more than when I got my heart broken right alongside Jenna and COMPLETELY changed how I was playing the game. I had to put the game down for a few days before I got back to it, and my roommates walked in because I was bawling my eyes out. Again, I've never felt so strongly alongside the lead in any game or story I've ever experienced, I would give just about anything for a happy ending for these characters.

The writing and story are so incredible, I just can't wait for the next update, and I'm sure I'll say the exact same thing after it gets released lol. 

Also, much side note, the game's combat and puzzle sections are simple, but entertaining. I wish there was some sort of levelling or improvement system related to the combat, but I guess that's pretty much what the equipment improvements are for, and my assumption is that that sort of thing will continue through the game, so... *Shrug*

This is an easy 10/10 game for me. EASY 10/10 game. You're absolutely incredible, please don't stop being amazing lol.

Thanks so much for your comment! ♥