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Ah OK thank you so much :D Yes I guess I just hadn't realised the chapter breaks.
One other thing I noticed is - I live in the Ch 2 location in the game and the signs in the game for the bus stops is aligned wrong (should look like an H not an I, unless this was intentional). It was the only thing that jumped out to me because otherwise the representation (signs and everything) was spot on! And gave me a great chance to practice my language while playing a game :)


Oh, the H thing was on purpose, just like the U-Bahn station says UB instead of just U, and also the names of the weapons. We're trying to play safe just in case, even if it's not completely necessary for some of those things 🙈

Wow cool didn't realise. It was so spot on as well, I didn't even notice (assumed it was U8 which is the station near me ^_^;;)