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I had a great idea! I just finished adding cheats into the game! There are 13 cheats and they include things like making yourself invisible toward the monster, giving yourself flatulence and farting which the monster hears. It also gives the feature to enable no clipping which is epic for speed runs!

But there is some bad news... I spent a lot of time on this game and I have no way of monetizing it other than with donations which I do receive though and I do not want anyone to miss out on this great game that I created so I will never ask money for the game, the cheats will cost $2 right here on and it's basically my way of rewarding the people that donated to me! But if you want it, you can also donate $2 or more and it will be available for you to download.

Keep an eye out for the game's version to change to v2.1.0 and for the Inside Cheats.txt file to show under the download button which then means that the cheats have been released!