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If you want to make video games, as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop (of any hardware) you can do it.

Profiting however is a complicated matter. Are you prepared to spend years making games with no profit? One thing a lot of new devs miss is that for every game out there with a million downloads, there are a million games with one download.

Regardless on what country you live in, usually selling games is done in an international scale, unless your game has questionable content (violence, religion, politics). Some countries have a bit weird laws when it comes to declaring your income, but that’s something I’m not familiar with in Venezuela.

I think a good question to ask yourself is, do you want to make games because it sounds fun and is something you want to try regardless of profit? Then yeah go for it!

Great I love what you are telling me. I want to develop videogames because I like it and also for financial gain, for example, to a slightly more entrepreneurial snow.

What is your advice also regarding the sale of assets such as algorithm, templates, and characters?


I don’t have much experience in selling assets. There are people that prefer to make everything by themselves, there are people that like to buy as many assets as possible and piece them together to make games and there are people that lie in between. I can’t really speak about numbers or which side is more profitable.