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Hey. Hmm.. Im not sure about those specs. I've never even heard of a 1660. The minimum video card I've tried was a GTX 970. If its better than that you should be fine. 8gb ram might also be a bit low.

What HMD do you have, and what else have you run on it?


I have a 1660 super and can confirm it works for Low-Fi, however I have 64g ram and a 9900k. To start Low-Fi, I start SteamVR first, then navigate to the .exe from my desktop file manager inside VR

Thank you, I will try that. I probably should up my ram for sure 

No problem, hope you get Low-Fi running! 64g of ram is overkill for gaming, 16 or 32 is plenty for almost any game.

I'm going to just use my best buy card and maybe get 32  haha... Yea, I tried to run it again and it crashes the computer, just freezes... thanks again I gotta play this game ASAP 

Update, got it to work thank you! 

Hi thanks for response. I have Oculus Rift S... have Quest 2 coming in October 


Hi! I got it work . As I loaded Low-Fi into StreamVR I kept closing any other tasks until it loaded. I was hitting 99% RAM use, but could keep it at 90% using that method. I LOVE THE GAME. Took me to a new world. Thanks, keep up the great work!