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Sweet idea! I think this concept is awesome and a great take on the theme. I wish the player was a bit faster and the game had some more bug fixing/polish (e.g. if player is moving up to keep the player animated) but overall nice work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi there  Juvenes :) , thanks for playing our game and giving feedback :D

you're totally right , kind of expected for jam submition wouldn't you think :). 

the zoom part definitely needs more work , but it was intended so that the player only can see what's inside the room he is in ;)

definitely will take your comments in consideration for the next update , thanks for dropping by ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha definitely expected (my game for sure could have used some polish!). I still really enjoyed your game though -- nice job :)!

Glad you did :)