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Just going to add to this that I watched the video you posted to an earlier post with basically the same issue and followed that but it ain't working for me.!AmFBFulY5eDxqDjIWTd-yIIUbwPX?e=t4xX9x

Sorry, can't grab the text out of the error box from gms 2 for some reason. That's a screenshot.

It looks to be crashing in my function for updating the room which I set up based on the script you create in your video.

function roomUpdated() {

This is what I have added to the obj_gmlive Create event:

#macro live_enabled 1

// change IP/port here if you connect to remote gmlive-server:
live_init(1, "http://localhost:5100", "");

// Tony stuff
live_blank_object = objBlank;
live_blank_room = Blank;
live_room_updated = roomUpdated();
room_set_live(Level1, true);