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Oh my.

When you were told "be careful of scope creep", you must have rolled up your sleeves and handed someone your beer. lol.

I applaud you for creating and implementing a fully functional turned based strategy system. That must have been really hard. So I gave you full points for technical implementation.

-The game art is tiny and hard to see.
-The level art is sometimes obtrusive.(I spent a bunch of time in the first room wandering because I didn't know the door was open to walk through)
-The buttons you do interact with are tiny in comparison to the inventory, which you don't really interact with. You could shrink the inventory and increase the button size.
-You shouldn't have to press move to start moving at the beginning of your turn. That should just be started by default and only when you want to do something other than move should you have to click something, like attack. Making the player click move for each turn is just giving them busy work.
-Enemies within an attack radius should be highlighted, I missed a few attacks until I just started standing on top of enemies to hit them.(Which I'm assuming isn't how you wanted the game to play)

All in all,
Your core mechanic works well, the sound/music was good, and (despite the huge awkward tutorial screen) the game is easy to understand. Your game mostly lacks playtesting and polish. I personally think the scope might have been too big for a jam game.
I do again want to say well done. You made a freaking fully functional turned base rpg in 7 days.
That is awesome.


Thanks for playing our game and even more thanks for the praise! It was my friend who did the programming, and it truly is very impressive!

The characters really do appear tiny on the screen, and the 'doors' do blend in quite a bit of the wall, I can see how it can cause quite a bit of confusion. More playtesting probably would've really been useful as we were both used to staring at the art and didn't notice the sizing issues with the HUD either.

The move aspect was heavily DnD inspired and thought it made sense at the time, however I can see how to can get quite tedious after a while, thanks for pointing it out! The attack automatically misses if you don't select an enemy, however when you do it will attack every enemy in your attack range (the blue circle), it is a bit iffy and would've benefitted with better clarifications. 

The instruction page is very lengthy and overwhelming, and it will be something to note for next time. It was a pretty ambitious idea but glad that the gameplay actually worked out in the end.

Thank you for the feedback, glad you enjoyed our game!