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This game has some of the best music I have heard in the jam so far. The tempo and drive (I don't know what it's called really, I'm not a composer,which is why the music in my game sucks lol) that are present in it fit really well with the game, and the fact that the chicken seems to move with the beat helps both accentuate the music's importance and really help with immersion. I don't know if my inexperienced view helps at all, that's just some of the stuff I noticed.

It really does! in the onset I was going to make the game to music, and thought, that will take so much time about halfway through the first day. So we left it out, but knowing you feel it adds to the overall game makes me want to go back and add that in. Thank you.

Hey, when you have the time, and be forewarned that my game is not in the jam when not submitted late, could you take a look at my team's music in our game Buffcat: It was composed (more like I clicked notes in a program until it sounded right lol) in house by myself who is not a composer, so any feedback is appreciated, as to whether we should get someone from outside to make it (I have a friend who is an aspiring game composer), or keep doing it ourselves. And also just how the songs (an expansive list of three XD) sound I guess, because you seem to be really advanced in this field. If your time is too filled up with reviewing people's games who are actually in the jam, no pressure, I completely understand.