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while playing your game i found some issues at its core.

i think that the stealth part of the game needs work

such as a crouch Butten and better detection.

i recommend the videos about stealth games from game makers tool kit on YouTube.

I also think that your game should be about stealth or combat not a Strang combo of both were both feel off. 

if you are going for just action or still a combo of both here's what i think you should change. 

1.enemys should not all attack at once instead attacking one at a time.

2. you should add a block don't just have a parry and if there was a block it was to useless for me to notice

3. you should be able to walk backwards so you can always face your enemy during combat

bonus. there should be a separate stealth kill animation

I also found some bugs like being able to glitch under the map and die, getting on top of the containers and people seeing you threw a wall. I think this has potential and i wish you the best of luck in your game creation journey.

(1 edit)

I really appriciate youre constructive critisism and I absoluetly agree. If I make a sequel or a similar game in the future I will work on all the points you made, but I wont change this game in any big way because I never intended to release this game on itch because it was originally just a late birthday present for 2 friends of mine.

Thanks for the detailed critisism and thank you for playing my game, hope you enjoyed it!