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(4 edits)

I can't imagine what it means to live in a hostile environment like that, with everything else you have going on. In Germany things have improved a lot over the years and most people are generally accepting of gays. There's the one or other homophobic politician of cause, but they are heavily leaned on by the media if anything comes out :-)

That's the best dream I can ever think of. The human history has been through countless civil war: race discrimimation, gender equality and now sexual equality. We can't choose the place we are born but we can choose the way we make an impact. Game is tough but players are tougher :)))) And thanks to wholesome games and people I have met, I realize I'm not alone. Even you are in the old society but you still manage to survive and thrive, I believe can do it too. 

I believe in you too, you are a fine guy and you will do good!

Thank you so much <3 Wish you the best.