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I had fun! Interesting idea to heal the enemies instead of damaging them, with some of them damaging themselves to make battles more tricky.

I didn't expect the plot-twist near the end but it wasn't so shocking anyway, still well made.


Interesting characters too, and I liked the ending because nobody really died, also it was unexpected to see Reid as the stone warrior, haha. I wonder what he will say if I will go back to the village, I should play it more tomorrow and see if you added some secrets.

I didn't find any bugs, I think there are some passibility issues in the big mountain map (around one of the bridges) but other than that the game feels smooth overall.

Also the battles felt balanced and reasonably challenging, even the final boss. I don't think I would touch anything regarding that, it's good.

Please spoiler me the after credit scene because I don't think I get it, lol.

Anyway it was a very nice game and interesting story. Well done! You have my vote for the contest.

(2 edits)

Again, thank you for playing! I'll check the big mountain map, maybe I didn't notice some passability issues! >_<

As for the last scene (SPOILER)...

The dialogue isn't that important. The cutscene needs to show, after lot of years, that the world situation is better (there're now trees, flowers, river, ecc... ) thanks to the actions of people, so nothing is lost. Only time can heal. ☺️