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No worries, you don't need to apologise :3 You must have been super busy! I hope you're settling in okay with school, especially with how tough times are across the world at the moment.

Yeah, I know I already said it once, but I'm so sorry that I'm not of much use when it comes to troubleshooting that sorta thing :( It really sucks that you're unable to check the game out because it won't run >.<

I did also try to create an android app version, but I had to give up for now because it's so darn confusing! I might have another go at that sometime though, alongside trying to eventually get a browser version to function. I wanted as many people as possible to be able to play it, so it's a real bummer that it's only really working properly on windows.

Thanks again, stay safe, good luck with school, and I hope your week is awesome :3