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Hey, I don't know when this was made. I don't know if you are still responding, or if you ever were, but, I just wanted to say that this game is... the first thing in a long time that makes me feel... i don't know, seen? heard? whatever. it makes me feel okay. I grew up with undiagnosed adhd, clinical depression, anxiety, and a whole heaping helping of anger issues. I was so mean. As a kid, and a teen. I was evil. I would say things and do things and treat people like objects. I was truly the worst person.

Now, I lay awake at night thinking about all the people I hurt. Luckily, I had a change of heart senior year (my parents finally let me go to therapy) and apologized to everyone. I actually made good with a lot of people. But as someone who knows what it's like to have people out there who still think of you as this seething container of poison and all things toxic, it's really nice to read these words about being allowed to grow.

Thanks for sharing this. It's... real cool? I don't know, sorry for being so wordy. Hope you feel seen or heard or okay or whatever some time soon too.


thanks so much for the kindly comment! i'm so glad the game resonated with you. glad also that growing older has been good to us.