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The Outcast Lovers is a slightly more lighthearted follow-up to the first game in this series from Far Few Giants (The Night Fisherman), however it's still got a very tense atmosphere.

The story itself is straightforward enough, a couple hit an asylum seeking child with their car whilst out for a drive and take him home with them. There, they keep give him some food and a drink and have a discussion about what to do with him. Essentially whether to adopt him right there and then or to give him up to the authorities.

The couple's discussion and playful arguing with each other really helps to cut through the overall tension (especially when you get a bit deeper into the game), and there are decisions to be made that can affect the story.

This really was another eye-opening and fun experience, and I like the way the devs play with the standard gameplay formats to craft something entirely their own. Well worth checking out, but make sure to play The Night Fisherman first!

Slight spoiler warning incoming! I thought that the boy from this game may well have been the same boy who we left swimming for his life at the end of The Night Fishmerman, although I haven't seen any confirmation of this I think it would be a fair assumption to make!