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(1 edit)

This game's story certainly kept up the element of surprise and shock, you did a good job delivering on that and it was quite comical. It started out so normal that it really made me laugh a little how and when it drastically turned directions. I liked having choices, I felt here it really worked well and I did feel it had some gameplay elements in that sense of navigating and with those choices. Is there a everyone's happy ending? I think I got all the endings and something is always bad for someone, I think that's the point and nature of the game and a bad ending for Kasey as comical relief is the good ending, but I wanted to check that with you as well? Good story presentation overall. I know battles didn't work out, but I'm sure there some ways at least some battles could've. This is one game though that stays in your mind afterwards and along the way.


Thanks for playing it. If there is a battle it would be a puzzle of avoiding your lovers. 

I think if there is next jam I join, I would have to team up. I actually needed to finish the game in 2 days because I did’t have time irl. So half of the plan was cut, but story gets more fast paced. 

For this game, as long as the story is delivered, I am satisfied. 

Yes, a puzzle  would've worked. I get that though, I believe you did deliver very well on the story. Very comical writing. Good luck with what you do next! : )