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I'm gonna hijack this topic for my own TileMap collision related question:

Is there any way to change an aracadeBody 2D in the middle of the game?

I'm trying to build a wall breaker clone at the moment, and I used a Michael Seyne's Sokoban-like way for handling the bricks (they're in a specific layer of a TileMap), but I used an arcadeBody2D for handling collisions (which is quite easy to use in this scenario). But I didn't find any code to change the TileMapAsset of that arcadeBody2D so I can't change levels by changing the TileMap (I will have the new tilemap correctly rendered but the arcadeBody2D won't match).

The only way I could change the arcadeBody2D is by loading a new scene, which means building a scene by level, an that seems to be more and more impractical as the level number goes up.