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Can someone tell me why tf my English textbook looks like this

Its Weird 

(Lol i had to scratch out the province i live in)

Obviously your English teachers are in a cult

its the only reasonable conclusion

I mean why else would they teach you stuff?



What is the cult for /about 

(1 edit)

hmmmm . . . 

maybe they worshipping very smort demins

And they are training you for for de cult

Because who's demon wants dumb people for a cult

(I just realized- that technically calls you dumb ._. Thats not what I meant to say ;w;)

Ah yes. My conclusion is that your school isn't really a school. It's a cult or smthn and what you think is English. Is actually rituals and stuff. Yes. Perfect conclusion. UwU

That IS logical

yes ik I'm so smart.

uh no

thats the Illuminatti