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this is a fun little game about making games!  pretty good overall, but i did find quite a few bugs.  
i chose platformer first.  the controls are a little wonky , but it's playable.  not sure if this is intended or a bug-- if you press jump and attack at the same time, you get a huge jump and can basically fly around.  it seemed like this was not intended to happen even though it was kind of fun.  maybe just leave it in! lol.  i found all 3 keys, but it kept telling me there were more.  i replayed a few times and it never worked for me. 
i played the RPG next and got stuck after i went through the trees to join the blob by the lake.  when i press the button to go back through the trees, it just puts me on the lake side.  sadly, i guess i won't see either ending. :(

(1 edit) (+2)

I checked the code. click the trees below that spot and you should be able to leave. I’ve also made it so you should be able to leave clicking the spot to the right. I’m currently rebuilding code for the platformer to try and resolve it. (it needed me to delete and reenter some variables) I do not think I can fix the flying via jump-shooting but that’s intensely entertaining that that happened.

oh.  i didn't think you need to click anything.  i wouldn't expect a Game Boy game to have mouse controls.


By click i mean interact with it. You had to face down and press a. I added an extra bit to get out when facing right as well.

Sorry I uploaded it while very busy.

ah.  okay, i'll have to try it again!