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(1 edit)

So to recap: You’re a game developer. You went asleep, left your computer running and due to reasons unbeknownst to you, it restarted. Now everything you do with Game Maker Studio 1.4 is running slow while others don’t have that issue. And you don’t know what went wrong.

Based purely on speculation, I can think of a few things:

  • Could there have been a recent update to Game Maker Studio without your consent? You could backup your settings and current version of the game, uninstall Game Maker Studio and then either reinstall either from an old backup of the last working installer or the latest version available online.
  • Windows 10 is a bane on humanity and you should purge it from your machine (any machine, really ;) ). Windows 7 is still an option if you don’t want to learn Linux…
  • I have seen systems being brought to their knees purely based on fragmentation. Personally, I use the free version of Defraggler for my HDD. (I’m not affiliated or sponsored.)
  • Some piece of hardware could have gotten damaged but not broken. (I hope that’s not it.) Or maybe your machine’s fans have gotten too dusty… If dusting the fans and letting everything cool down for a while also shows no results, you could bring your machine to your local experts to have a look at it. You know… What we all do: Ask someone who knows what they’re doing as a last resort. ;)

I hope any of this helps.

(5 edits)

I know it wasn't a Studio update, because as stated, I redownloaded an executable demo compiled several days back, and it's suffering from the same problem. That basically rules out any issue with the file itself, as far as I can tell; something else on my computer updated, and now a file that previously worked fine, and was not even present on the hard drive the time of the restart, is misbehaving. I'm also reluctant to believe it's anything as "simple" as a damaged fan or bugged graphics driver, since far more demanding games and other programs are functioning at their usual capacity. Aside from this one particular issue with the one game that I'm developing, I'd never have even assumed anything changed.

And that's what honestly makes it so perplexing. All evidence points to the issue originating on my computer, and yet there's nothing discernably wrong with my computer, save for its interaction with this one very specific game. I don't even know where to start looking for the hangup, and I'm not quite desperate (nor knowledgeable) enough to start messing with the machine in ways as drastic as switching out to older operating systems. Or for that matter to blow money on expert analysis and repair, when for all I know whatever issue I'm experiencing will be patched within a week by whoever caused it.

I appreciate your thoughts, and I'll keep them in mind if the issue takes too long to resolve, but I guess what I really need is just someone who's already experienced and resolved...whatever this is.

Edit: I will try defraggler, though. Who knows; if it works, it works, if it doesn't...hopefully it won't destroy my PC.

Edit 2: After messing around a bit, I'm beginning to suspect that it was an Intel driver update that caused this. Unfortunately, the option to rollback is completely greyed out, so I guess I'm going to need to uninstall it and figure out which version I had yesterday.