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I gave it a shot but certain things kind of annoyed me with this game. Mainly, the red on the screen when you take damage. It might as well be one-hit kills if it's gonna blind me like that whenever I get hit. It's too hard to navigate these closets when I can't see anything. And then the graphics setting kinda bugged out on my last attempts. Not sure what was going on there.


Thank you so much for playing! You had an amazing gameplay, liked and subscribed!

Sorry that it was annoying mainly due to the red screen that takes rather long time to fade away, I will reduce it's effect in the next version. Regarding the graphics, I programmed it to be pixelated at all times, not sure why at the beginning it was clear, which wan'st bad and it made the game easier :) 

Again thanks alot for putting up the gameplay and thank you for your comments and recommendations, I will surely take them into consideration in the next version/part of this game. 
